Welcome, folks. This is my official first day of writing content for my very own personal Blog and Newsletter. I'm kind of proud about it, too, as silly as it sounds.
I've written a lot of content for the Blogs of big business, corporations, and even a large University, but I did so as a freelance writer, and I was never allowed to claim the content as the author of it. I'd signed over that right when I agreed to a flat-rate sum of money, per article, from an outsourced company created just for that purpose: to help build the brand and marketing of a company which no longer wanted to or could employ their own teams, pay them lofty salaries, and provide them with benefits.
When I agreed to write for others, it removed my own identity, ideas, writing style, and creative concepts from being attached to what I'd written. If I didn't knock it out of the ballpark on a strategy I'd devised, I could hide behind that concept as being one that I could see wasn't as successful as I'd hoped, but hey - nobody knew it was MY idea. MY writing. MY article. I wouldn't have to drown in the agony of being under a microscope.
My compensation wasn't much, but I wasn't in it for the money - I was in it to learn how much I really needed to be a writer. Sometimes I'd spend countless nights and hours perfecting my 800 word-count masterpiece. Every assignment I accepted came with it my heart's desire to write about subject matters which would resonate with readers, penetrate hearts, grow a company's brand, and, well, to be blatantly honest, to be awakened in the middle of the night by THE phone call with a greeting that my latest Blog article, Newsletter, or Tutorial had gone viral, with 7-figure views. The dream.
Now that I'm in deep waters of unfamiliar territory about having my first Book Published, the one thing which I am aware of is the need for my own personal marketing strategy, which I learned always includes a social media following, a Newsletter, a Blog, and so much more. But now, with each article I write for my Blog, my Newsletter, and all of my own content about me and my Book and my platforms comes with it the responsibility of owning what's published here. I'm placing myself right out there on "Front Street." I HAVE to claim it. It's a little scary, to be honest, which leads me to the whole point of this story: believe in yourself and your message, and write from your heart, and you can never go wrong. Right?
It's one of my vulnerabilities I'm working on improving in my own life, which is so essential to the wellbeing of all of us. My friends, we have to have blind faith. Believe in yourself deeply. Trust your whole heart to every day having confidence that you are a star. A guiding light. The example you want to see in others. And when you begin each new day without any thoughts about being anything else but, you'll have made it. You'll recognize you're no longer fearful. You CAN do this. You WILL reap the rewards for all of your efforts.
We're all in this game of life together. If you're reading this now and are afraid, I understand. I'll help. I want this to be a soft place for you to land. To always know you're never alone.
I'm Lori Cooper. I’m always here at Please feel free to reach-out anytime and every time at And - I'll leave the light on for you.
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